Mri Pilar & Florence Deeble
Florence Deeble’s Rock Garden | 1900-1999 | Lucas, KS
Concrete sculpture environment | Created: 1950-1999
Mri Pilar’s Garden of Isis | dates unknown | Lucas, KS
Installation | Created: 2002 - present
We stopped by Florence Deeble’s Rock Garden to see how it was holding up. Happy to say that the gardens in back are looking great, obviously a lot of love has gone into bringing the plantings back, and we noticed some pieces in back that we hadn’t seen before.
The front of the house (and garage in back) as well as the interiors have under gone a lot of change over the years. Mri Pilar moved to Lucas in 2002 and has been transforming Florence’s house into an installation project entitled “Garden of Isis.” She has covered the interior walls and ceilings with silver mylar insulation and has adorned them with assemblages of discarded items, such as dolls and CDs, to transform the old home of Florence’s.
By looks of things (she wasn’t home at the time), Mri has moved her inspirations now to the exterior, by creating a found object mosaic porch, and decorating the garage with CDs. There are a number of great tiled heads placed about in the shrubbery and on the porch as well. The presence of a new artist is definitely felt at this schoolteacher’s house...(inserting personal POV here) ...and I hope that the backyard remains true to Florence’s vision and creation, so that visitors can still experience the environment as she created it, and Mri can continue to bring her vision to the front and interiors, blending the 2 worlds.