A slight detour from "detour art"
Staircase in the Lum Building, Petersburg, VA
(this is my favorite photo, ever...at least this week)
Happy holidays...this time I have hopped on a plane to visit friends in the DC area. (Ok, I really didn't hop, there was some pharmacological help and a David Sedaris audio book that helped distract me from the bumpy ride...) They have an building in historic old downtown Petersburg, VA that they have rehabbed, creating an art gallery, art studio, and yoga studio.
(view from the top floor, an all recycled window wall)
They also have recently purchased the 3 buildings (Mitchell's Row) across the street to be rehabbed as well...a seemingly daunting task, but the bones are great:![](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62e84397daa42f2ac74b1a8e/t/639760e771c601225ba9eb08/1670865127813/1000w/)
The Lions Club held their meetings here in the late 50s, and an old file cabinet held the minutes.
exteriors of Mitchell's Row
Interiors of Mitchell's Row:
They will also be rehabbing the Lum Building, an old photo processing business. Great light, and a bit less daunting of a photographic adventure.
Happy Holidays!