A note from Mo...
Mo here. When we opened the Rare Visions - Detour Art show at the Belger last weekend I really enjoyed telling visitors about QJ Stephenson, from my old stomping grounds along the Roanoke River in eastern North Carolina.
QJ was a true character and made what he called Handmade Prehistoric Art from concrete, sawdust, glue, and things he dug up in the creeks of Halifax and Northampton counties. Cary enjoyed visiting with QJ at his lodge in Garysburg.
We were in Helena, MT, in the summer of 1997 and I remember calling KC to check our phone messages and Cindy Elks and others had called to let us know that QJ had passed away. Since that time QJ's widow, Eloise, had been showing visitors around the lodge.
Last Saturday morning I told Cary how wild it seemed that I was now working in a huge gallery in Kansas City and QJ was on the walls. I planned to write Mrs. Stephenson and tell her about this show and QJ's part in it. My mom called Monday to let me know that Eloise passed away Saturday morning.
Here's a picture of me and Cary and one of QJ's many critters.
Love, Mo